Library Basic Notes
Indexing Tools
- OpenBase
- Moiva
- Best of JS
- Micro.js
- CodeHouse: Whole New World Developer Cheatsheets
- NPM Package Advisor
- NPM Package Analytics
- NPM Package Compare
- NPM Package Cost
- NPM Package Trends
- NPM Package Online Explorer
Web Boilerplate
Generators and CLI Tools
- Create React App
- Create React Native App
- Create T3 App: Create Full-stack and Type-safe Next.js App
- Craco: Create React App Configuration Override Tool
- Modern: Meta-framework Suite Designed for Frontend-focused Modern Web Development
- Projen: New Generation of Project Generators
- Hygen: Component Generator
- Plop Generator
- TsDx: Zero-config TypeScript Package Development CLI Tool
- UnBuild: Unified JavaScript Build System
- Vue CLI
- Vite
Boilerplate and Templates
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- React Next.js Boilerplate
- React BulletProof Boilerplate
- React CRA Boilerplate
- React PWA Boilerplate
- React Electron Boilerplate
- React Starter Kit
- React Vite Starter
- React Chrome Extension JavaScript Boilerplate
- React Chrome Extension TypeScript Boilerplate
- Chrome Extension CLI
- Plasmo: Browser Extension Framework
- Vite Web Extension
UI Framework
CSS UI Framework
Utility UI Framework
- Daisy: Tailwind Components Plugin
- Vechai: Tailwind React Library
- Elements: Tailwind Components Collection
- Tailwind
- Form
- Typography
- Aspect Ratio
- Line Clamp
Headless UI Framework
- Headless: Completely Un-styled and Fully Accessible Tailwind React Components
- AriaKit: Accessible React Components
- Spectrum: Build Adaptive, Accessible and Robust User Experiences
- Reach: Accessible Foundation for React Apps and Design Systems
- Radix: Build High-quality and Accessible Design Systems
Components UI Framework
- Ant Design
- Material
- Chakra
- Next: Beautiful, Fast and Modern React UI Library
- Mantine
- BluePrint
- Geist: Modern Design System
- Primer: GitHub Primer Design System
- Desktop: macOS and Windows Style Components
- Luna: Operating System Components
- Molecule: Lightweight Web IDE UI Framework
Admin and Dashboard UI Framework
- Ant Design Pro: Out-of-box UI Solution for Enterprise Applications
- Refine: React-based Framework for Building Internal Tools
- ReactAdmin: Frontend Framework for Building B2B Applications
- Tremor: Build Dashboards Fast
- Vuestic: Vue Admin Components
Framework and Solution
Front-end Solution
- Next
- Remix: Full Stack Web Framework
- Gatsby
- Hydrogen: React-based Framework for Building Shopify-powered Custom Storefronts
- IceWorks
- Blitz: Full Stack React Framework
- Nuxt
Micro Front-ends Solution
Back-end Solution
- Nest: Enterprise-grade Server-side Applications on Top of TypeScript
- Feathers.js: Real-time Applications Framework Based on Socket.IO
- Egg.js
- Midway: Serverless Framework for Front-end Developers
- Koa: Expressive Middleware using ES2017 Async Functions
- Connect: Express-like Middleware Layer Server
- Fastify: Fast and Low Overhead Web Framework
- Sails: Realtime MVC Framework
- RedWood: App Framework for Startups
- Amplication: Low-Code but High Quality Applications
- LoopBack: Build Modern API Applications
- Aleph: Full-stack Framework in Deno
- Remult: CRUD Framework for Full Stack TypeScript
Headless CMS
Desktop Solution
- Electron
- Tauri: Smaller, Faster and More Secure Rust Application
- Neutralino: Portable and Lightweight Cross-platform C++ Application
Mobile Solution
- Uni APP: Vue for Mobile Development
- Taro: Cross-Platform and Cross-Framework Solution to Develop Mini-programs
- Expo: Making Universal Native Apps with React on Android, iOS and Web
- Rax: Progressive React Framework for Building Universal Application
- Universal API: Universal APIs for Web, WeChat Miniapp and AliPay Miniapp
State Management
Redux State Management
- Redux ToolKit: Official Core Set for Efficient Redux Development
- Rematch: Redux Framework
- Reselect: Selector Library for Redux
- ImmerJS: Create Next Immutable State by Mutating Current One
- ReduxObservable: RxJS Middleware for Redux
Atom State Management
- React Recoil
- Zustand: Small, Fast and Scalable Bear-bones State-management Solution
- JoTai: Primitive and Flexible State Management Library
- Valtio: Proxy-state Simple for React and VanillaJS
- NanoStores: Atomic Tree-Shakable Stores
- Signals: Vue-style and Performant State Management Library
- Pinia: Next Generation Vue Store
Reactive State Management
Server State Management
- RTK Query: Redux Toolkit Server State Solution
- React Query: Fetching, Caching, Synchronizing and Updating Server State
- SWR: React Hooks for Remote Data Fetching
- Apollo GraphQL: Fully-featured, Production Ready Caching GraphQL Client
- URQL: Highly Customizable and Versatile GraphQL Client
Router State Management
- ReactUse Hooks
- Alibaba Hooks
- TypeScript Hooks
- ReactHook: Strongly Typed and Concurrent Mode-safe Hooks
- React Hooks Gallery
- VueUse
State Hooks
Sensor Hooks
Timer Hooks
JavaScript Utils
- Cash: jQuery Lite
- HappyDOM: Browser Native API
- ConstructJS: Byte Level Data Structures
- Node.js Toolbox
Math Utils
- HyperFormula: Excel-like Calculation Engine
- DanFoJS: High Performance Structured Data Manipulating and Processing
String Utils
Glob Utils
Regular Expression Utils
- Validator: Common RegExp Patterns
- Regex101
- Regex Visualization
- XRegExp: Extended JavaScript Regular Expressions
- RE2: Fast, Safe Alternative to Backtracking Regular Expression Engines
Concurrent and Parallel Programming Utils
- Threads.js
- WorkerPool
- TinyPool: Minimal and Tiny Worker Thread Pool
- PartyTown: Relocate Resource Intensive scripts into Web Workers
- Comlink: Shared Class between Web Workers
- GRFN: Executes Dependency Graph of Async Functions Concurrently
- Bull: Premium Queue Package for Handling Distributed Jobs and Messages
- BreeJS: Job Scheduler
Hash Utils
Functional Programming Utils
- Immer
- Proxy Memoize: Intuitive Magical Memoization with Proxy and WeakMap
- MemoizeOne: Latest Invocation Memoization
IOC and DI Utils
- InversifyJS: Powerful and Lightweight Inversion of Control Container
- Awilix: Powerful Inversion of Control Container
- TypeDI: Powerful Dependency Injection Tool
Browser Utils
- Modernizr: HTML5 and CSS3 Browser Feature Detection
- Browser: Browser Platform Detection
- UAParser: User-Agent Data Parser
TypeScript Utils
TypeScript Basic Utils
- TypeScript Configuration
- TypeScript Node
- TypeScript Jest
- Type Testing
- Type Coverage
- DefinitelyTyped: High Quality TypeScript Type Definitions
- DefinitelyTyped Tools: Infrastructure for DefinitelyTyped
- DTSGen: Creates Starter TypeScript Definition Files for Any Module or Library
TypeScript Utility Types
- TypeFest
- UtilityTypes
- ToolBelt
- Guards: Comprehensive Collection of Type Guards
- TSReset: Improving Types for Common JavaScript APIs
TypeScript Schema Utils
- Zod: TypeScript-first Schema Validation with Static Type Inference
- TypeBox: JSON Schema Type Builder
- AutoMapper: Object to Object Auto Mapper
- OW: Function Argument Validation for Humans
TypeScript AST Utils
CSS Utils
CSS Design Tools
- Awesome Design Tools
- CodyHouse Components
- CC Create
- Need Design Resources
- Interface Design Resources
Ordinary CSS Utils
- Normalize: Modern Normalize Browser Default Style
- Reset: Modern Bare-bones CSS Reset for Modern Web Development
- Sanitize: Best-practices CSS Foundation
- Normalize: Modern Alternative to CSS Resets
- PostCSS Preset: Use Modern CSS
- Tailwind Viewer: Local Tool for Visualizing Tailwind Configuration
CSS in JS Utils
- Classnames
- Tailwind Merge: Merge Tailwind CSS Classes without Style Conflicts
- Styled Components
- StyledJSX
- Stitches: Near Zero-runtime, SSR, Multi-variant Support
- Linaria: Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript Library
- Vanilla Extract: Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript
- Compiled: Performant Compile Time CSS-in-TypeScript Library
- TWind: Smallest, Fastest, Most Feature Complete Tailwind-in-JS Solution
Color Utils
- Prism: GitHub Color Palettes Creating and Maintaining Tool
- Color2K: Color Parsing and Manipulation
- Chroma: All Kinds of Color Manipulations
- Color: Color Conversion and Manipulation
- Culori: Color Conversion, Interpolation, Difference Formulas, Blending Functions
- ColorThief: Image Color Palette Grab Tool
Gradient Utils
Gradient Collection
Gradient Tools
Gradient Editor
Box Shadow Utils
- Neumorphism: Generate CSS for Neumorphic Soft UI Design
- Box Shadows: Cross-browser Collection of CSS Box-shadows
- ShadowPalette: Shadow Generator
Background Utils
- Doodle: Web Component for Drawing Patterns Based on CSS Grids
- Clippy: Clip-Path Maker
- Wicked Background
Clip and Shapes Utils
- Clippy: Clip-path Editor
- Fancy Border Radius
- React CSS Shape
- CSSGenerators: Generate Borders, Corners, Dividers and Shapes
- Full Page Layout
- One Page Layout
- React Panel Group
- Bricks Layout
- Brick Layer
- InfiniteGrid
- Tether: Positioning Engine to Make Overlays, Tooltips and Dropdowns Better
- SplitJS
- Teleport: Teleport React Components in Same React Tree
- Hamburger: Animated Hamburger Menu Icons for React
- Hamburgers: Tasty CSS-animated Hamburgers
- PageMap
- ReactProSidebar: Customizable and Responsive Sidebar with Dropdown Menus and Nested Submenus
Landing Page
- React Chat Widget
- Matrix
- JsSIP: Chat Library
- GalGame ChatView
- AdvancedChat: Beautiful Chat Rooms Web Component
- Giscus: Comment System Powered by GitHub Discussion
- GitTalk: Modern Comment Component Based on Github Issue and Preact
- Utterances: Lightweight Comments Widget Built on GitHub Issues
- Waline: Simple, Safe Comment System Inspired by Valine
- Cusdis: Lightweight, Privacy-friendly Alternative to Disqus
- Disqus
- Golden: Multi Window Layout Manager
- WinBox: HTML5 Window Manager
- NiceModal: eBay React Modal Manager
Information and Message
Page Progress Indicator
Prompt and Toast
- Sweet Alert 2
- React Toastify
- React Hot Toast
- NotiStack: Highly Customizable Notification Snack Bars
- Push.js: Browser Notification Framework
- Notifier: Native Desktop Notification
- Novu: Notification Infrastructure for Developers
- Sonner: Opinionated Toast
- FloatingUI: Low-level Toolkit to Create Floating Elements
- React Tippy
- Tippy.js
- Popper.js
- Balloon Hovering Tooltips
- Hint.css Tooltips
- JoyRide: Awesome Guided Tours
- Shepherd: Guide Tour Library
- Intro.js
- Driver.js
- Wizard: React Stepper Guide
- LuSift: Product Walk Through for Web App
- PlanBy: Electronic Program Guide (EPG) based Timeline
- Frappe: Interactive and Modern Gantt Chart
- MarkWhen: Cascading Timeline from Markdown-like Text
- React Hook Form
- React Final Form
- React Formik
- React JSON Schema Form
- Vue FormKit
- Formily: Alibaba Unified Form Solution for React and Vue
- XRender: Alibaba Low-Code Form/Table/Chart Render
- Form Boilerplate
- Promise Validator
- Async Validator
- Cleave.js: Input Format Checker
- Joi: Powerful Data Validation Library
- Yup: Schema Validator
- jQuery Form Validator
List Virtualized Windowing
- ReactVirtualized
- ReactWindow: Brand New React Virtualized
- ReactVirtual: Hooks for Virtualizing Scrollable Elements
- React Virtualized Auto Sizer
- React Virtuoso
- Vue Virtual Scroller
- TanStack Table: Fast and Extendable Tables and DataGrids Hook
- React DataSheet: Excel-like Data Tables and Grids component
- Glide Data Grid
- MUI DataTable: Data Tables for React using Material UI
- Bootstrap Table
- Tabulator: Interactive Tables and Data Grids
- SheetJS: Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
- FortuneSheet: Rich Excel and Google Sheets Features Spreadsheet library
- HyperFormula: Complete Excel-like Calculation Engine Written in TypeScript
- Arborist: React Sortable, Virtual and Customizable Tree Component
- TreeView: Draggable and Droppable React TreeView Component
- ComplexTree: Accessible Tree Component with Multi-Select and Drag-And-Drop
Charts Visualization
- D3: Bring Data to Life with SVG, Canvas and HTML
- ECharts: Powerful, Interactive Charting and Data Visualization
- Chart.js: HTML5 Canvas Charts
- AntV: React Chart Library Based on G2Plot, G6, X6, L7
- ReCharts: Redefined Chart Library Built with React and D3
- HighCharts: TypeScript Charting Framework
- TuiChart: TOAST UI Chart
- ReactFlow: Building Interactive Node-based UIs, Editors, Flow Charts and Diagrams
- ReaFlow: Building Workflow Editors, Flow Charts and Diagrams
- Sigma: Dedicated to Graph Drawing
- Plotly.js: Charting Library behind Plotly and Dash
- JSXGraph: Interactive Geometry, Function Plotting, Charting and Data Visualization in Browser
- Cytoscape.js: Graph Theory (Network) Library for Visualization and Analysis
- Airbnb: Visualization Components
- NeoVis.js: Graph Visualization with Data from Neo4j
Charts Draw Utils
- Swiper: Modern Mobile Touch Slider with Hardware Accelerated Transitions
- Nuka: Pure React Carousel Component
- Embla: Lightweight Carousel Library with Fluid Motion and Great Swipe Precision
- ReactSlick: React Carousel Component
- React Responsive Carousel
- Flicking: Reliable, Flexible and Extendable Carousel
- Glider.js: Native Scrolling Carousel
- ReactSimplyCarousel: Lightweight, Responsive, Touch Enabled and Fully Controlled Isomorphic (SSR Support)
Slides and Presentation
- Reveal: HTML Presentation Framework
- MDX Deck
- Surfer: Highlighting, Zooming, Scrolling, Focusing and Morphing Code Slides
- Spectacle: React Based Presentation Slides
- SliDev: Vue Based Presentation Slides
- Impress: Prezi-like Presentation Slides
- PPTX: TypeScript PowerPoint Presentations
- HotKey: Trigger Action on Element with Keyboard Shortcut
- KBar: Fast, Portable and Extensible Command K Interface
- NinjaKeys: Keyboard Shortcuts Interface
- CommandK: Headless Command Menu
- ReactCMDKeyboard: Fast, Accessible and Pretty Command Palette
- KMenu: Animated and Accessible Command Palette Menu
Viewport Utils
- Viewport Events
- React Device Detect: Render View According to Detected Device Type
- Robot.js: Desktop Automation
Scroll Utils
- ReactScrollParallax
- ScrollReveal
- AOS: Scroll Animation
- Lax: Scroll Animation
- Rellax: Lightweight, Vanilla JavaScript Parallax Library
- Scroll Bar Detection
- Atropos: 3D Parallax Effects
- Snap: Scroll Snap Utils
- ScrollEX: Build Beautiful Scroll Experiences
- PushIn: Dolly or PushIn Effect when User scrolls
- BetterScroll
Mouse and Touch Utils
- UseGesture: Component-tied Mouse and Touch Gestures
- React DnD: Drag and Drop
- React Beautiful DnD
- DFlex: Sophisticated Drag and Drop Library
- Spacers: Drag for More Space
- Moveable: Drag, Resize, Scala, Rotate, Warp, Pinch, Group, Snap
- Interact.js: Drag and Drop, Resizing and Multi-touch Gestures
- ReactZoom: Multi-touch Gestures for Zooming and Dragging
- AnyTouch: Small Touch Gesture Library Compatible with PC and Mobile
- Allotment: Resizable Split Views
- TransMat: Share Data beyond Boundaries of Browser
Cursor Utils
Social Utils
Social Sharing
Social Forum
- Framer Motion
- React Spring
- GSAP: GreenSock Animation Platform
- Popmotion
- TweenJS: TypeScript Animation Engine
- React Transition Group
- Airbnb AE Solution
- Animate.css
- Barba.js: Smooth Transition between Pages
- Tilt: Smooth 3D Tilt JavaScript Library
- CountUp: Count Up Animation
- TheatreJS: 3D Scene and Motion Design Editor
- AutoAnimate: Zero-config and Drop-in Animation Utility
CLI Animation
Transform Animation
MicroInteraction Animation
- ReactRewards
- RoughNotation: Create and Animate Hand-drawn Annotations
- CanvasConfetti: On-demand Confetti Gun
Typing Effect Animation
Hover Effect Animation
Loading Effect Animation
Progress Bar
- React Spinners
- Epic Spinners
- Loading IO
- UIBall: Modern, Tree-shakeable Loaders and Spinners for React
Time Utils
Date Utils
- Date Lodash
- Day.js: 2kB Immutable Date-time Library Alternative to Moment.js with Same Modern API
- Time Table
- Moment.js
Calendar Utils
Internationalization Utils
- FormatJS
- React i18n
- Globalize: Leverages Official Unicode CLDR JSON Data
- Dinero: Create, Calculate and Format Money in TypeScript
- AutoNumeric: Numbers and Currencies
- Kiwi: Alibaba i18n Solution
Accessibility Tools
- AXE DevTools
- JestAXE: Custom Jest Matcher for AXE
- Cypress AXE
- ESLint JSX a11y
- React a11y
- AriaKit: Accessible React Components
- DiceBear: Random Avatar Generation Library
- ReactAvatarEditor: Avatar Resize and Crop Component
- BoringAvatars: React SVG Avatar Generator from Username and Palette
- EmojiButton: Emoji Picker
- Picmo: JavaScript Emoji Picker
- OwO Keyboard Emoji
- Twitter Emoji
- Emoji Panel
- Emoji Mart: One component to Pick Emoji All
- React Icons: SVG Icons of Popular Icon Packs
- Remix Icons
- SimpleIcons: Popular Brand SVG Icons
- FlagIcons: Country Flag SVG Icons
- Icon Font
- Icons8
- Ikonate
- CSS Icons
- Open Source Icons
- React SVG Components
- SVG.js
- ReSVG.js: High-performance Rust SVG Renderer and Toolkit
- SVG Optimizer
- SVG Gallery
- SVG Logos
- SVG Icons
- SVG Parser
- Random SVG Geometry
Image Utils
- ImageMagick: ImageMagick Bindings
- ImageLoader: Load Images JavaScript Utils
- PSD: Blazing fast and Zero-dependency PSD Parser
- HTML2Image
- Tesseract: Image Recognition Tesseract OCR Engine
Image Size
- Sharp: Image Optimization
- Variant Size Pictures
- Carver: Content-aware Image Resizer and Object Remover Based on Seam Carving Algorithm
Image Gallery
- PhotoSwipe: JavaScript Image Gallery and LightBox
- LightGallery: Customizable, Modular, Responsive, LightBox Gallery Plugin
- Viewer.js: Images Viewer Gallery
- PhotoView: Exquisite React Photo Preview Component
- Zoom: Medium Style Image Zoom for React
Image Filter
Image Editor
- Cropper.js: JavaScript Image Cropper
- ImageCrop: React Image Cropping Tool
- EasyCrop: Crop Images and Videos with Easy Interactions
- Slider: Image Comparison Slider
- Tui: Full Featured Image Editor using HTML5 Canvas
- React Three Fiber: React Renderer for Three.js
- PixiJS: Create Beautiful Digital Content with Fast and Flexible 2D WebGL Renderer
- HTML2Canvas
- Rough.js
- Canvas Manipulation
3D Engine
- CSS 3D Engine
- Three.js
- Krpano
- React Three Fiber
- Oasis: Web-first and Mobile-first High-performance Real-time Development Platform
- Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, and Open Game and Rendering Engine
- Howler.js
- Music Helper Utils
- Elementary Audio Tools
- MIDI.js
- Audio.ts: Agnostic Library Easy to Work with AudioContext and Create Audio Playlists
- Meyda: Audio Feature Extraction
- WaveSurfer: Navigable Waveform Built on Web Audio and Canvas
- Wave.js: Audio Visualizer
- Peaks: JavaScript UI Component for Interacting with Audio Waveforms
- AstroFox: Turn Audio into Amazing Videos
- Video.js
- Griffith: ZhiHu Web Video Player
- Plyr
- FLV.js
- ReactPlayer: Playing Variety of URLs
- React Youtube Player
- VDX: FFmpeg CLI
- Remotion: Create Videos Programmatically in React
- Liqvid: React Interactive Video Library
- Shaka: Adaptive Media Formats Player Library
- Twilio
- Fonoster: Open Source Alternative to Twilio
- Wechaty: Conversational RPA SDK for Chatbot Makers
- MJ-ML: Responsive Email Framework
- Mailing: React Emails
- Node Emailer
- Email Parser
- Email Generator
- MailSpring
- Email Status
- GrammY: Telegram Bot Framework
- Discord: Create Discord Bot with TypeScript and Decorators
- UrbanBot: Universal React ChatBot Library
File Uploader
- React Filepond
- Vue Filepond
- Uppy Uploader
- TypeScript Slice Uploader
- SpaceDrive: Open Source Cross-platform File Explorer Powered by Virtual Distributed Filesystem
File Downloader
File Utils
- FS Extra
- Graceful FS
- MemFS: In-memory Node File System
- Globby
- Chokidar: Efficient Cross-platform File Watching Library
- Mkdirp
- RimRaf
- Steno: Specialized Fast Async File Writer
- File Type
- File Size
- Zip File
- Binary File
- SimpleGit: Light Weight Interface for Running Git Commands
PDF Utils
- React PDF
- PDF.js
- jsPDF: Client-side JavaScript PDF Generation
- PDFMake
- PDFKit
- Docx: Easily Generate Docx Files with TypeScript
Persistent Storage
Web Storage
- LocalForage: IndexedDB, WebSQL and LocalStorage API Wrapper
- RxDB: Fast, Offline-first, Reactive Database
- PouchDB: Pocket-sized and Offline-first Database for Browser
- ImmortalDB: Relentless Key-value Store for Browser
- TinyBase: Reactive Data Store for Local‑first Apps
- Prisma: Next-generation ORM
- Mikro: TypeScript ORM
- Sequelize: Easy-to-use and Promise-based Multi SQL Dialects ORM Tool
- LowDB: Simple JSON Database
- NocoDB: No Code Database
- Directus: No-code Data Collaboration App for SQL Database
Search UI Components
Search Engine
- TypeSense: Open Source Alternative to Algolia and Easier-to-Use Alternative to ElasticSearch
- Lunr.js: Full Text Search Engine
- Solr: Solr Client
- JieBa: Chinese Text Segmentation
- Docusaurus Plugin: Local Search Plugin Based on Lunr.js
- Fuse: Lightweight Fuzzy Search JavaScript Library
- MiniSearch: Powerful In-memory Full-text Search Engine
- React Helmet: Document Head Manager
- NextSEO: Next.js SEO Management
- Vue Meta: Components HTML Metadata Manager with SSR Support
Rich Text Editor
- Quill: Modern WYSIWYG Editor Built for Compatibility and Extensibility
- Slate: Customizable Rich Text Editor Framework
- EditorJS: Block-styled Rich Text Editor
- WangEditor: Lightweight Rich Text Editor
- TinyMCE: World #1 JavaScript Library for Rich Text Editing
- StyloJS: TypeScript Rich Text Editor
- Lexical: Draft.js alternatives
- Verbum: Fully Flexible Text Editor Based on Lexical Framework
- Draft: React Text Editor Framework
- Draft Plugins
- TipTap: Collaborative and Headless WYSIWYG Text Editor Framework
- ProseMirror: Collaborative and Semantic Rich Text Editing
- ReactPage: Highly Customizable WYSIWYG Content Editor
Markdown Editor
- MilkDown: Plugin Driven WYSIWYG Markdown Editor Framework
- ByteMD: Hackable Markdown Editor Component
- Vditor: Multiple Mode Markdown Editor
- React Markdown Component
- LetsMarkdown: Minimal Collaborative Markdown Editor
Code Editor
- Monaco: Powers VS Code
- React Monaco
- ACE Editor
- React ACE
- Code Mirror
- Xi: Code Editor Philosophy
- React Simple Code Editor
Live Editor and Playground
- SandPack: Toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences
- React Live: Flexible Playground for Live Editing React Components
- React Runner
- Histoire: Fast and Beautiful Interactive Component Playground Powered by Vite
- SyncedStore: CRDT for Building Live and Collaborative Applications
- YJS: Shared CRDT Data Types for Building Collaborative Software
Low-Code Editor
- LowCodeEngine: Enterprise-class Low-code Technology Stack
- TMagic: Tencent Low-Code Editor
- ToolJet: Extensible Low-code Framework for Building Business Applications
- AppSmith: Low-Code Project to Build Admin Panels, Internal Tools, and Dashboards
- BuildBase: Low-code Platform for Creating Internal Apps, Workflows, and Admin Panels
- NocoBase: Scalability-first Low-code Development Platform
- SunMao: Low-code Developing Framework
- ReactType: Prototyping Tool for Exporting React Applications
Language Parser
- UnifiedJS: Interface for Parsing, Inspecting, Transforming and Serializing Content through Syntax Trees
- HTML Parser
- YAML Parser
- XML Parser
- SVG Parser
- Crontab Parser
- Domain Parser
- URL Parser
- Git URL Parser
- SemVer Parser
- INI Parser
- RSS Parser
JavaScript Parser
- Acorn
- Babel
- Sucrase: Super-fast Alternative to Babel Targeting Modern JS Runtime
- Espree
- Esprima
- AST Explorer
- ReactDocGen TypeScript: React TypeScript Components Properties Parser
- Boa: Embed JavaScript Engine Written in Rust
Markdown Parser and Render
CLI Solution
CLI Utils
CLI Input Utils
CLI Output Utils
- Consola
- Chalk
- ORA Spinner
- Progress
- Code Frame: Pointing to Source Locations
- Tasuku: Minimal Task Runner Built on Ink React CLI
Node Utils
- ShellJS: Portable Unix Shell Commands
- Cross Spawn
- Execa
- Node Fetch
- Undici: HTTP/1.1 Client
- FS Extra
- Graceful FS
- MemFS: In-memory Node File System
- Globby
- Chokidar: Efficient Cross-platform File Watching Library
- Mkdirp
- RimRaf
- ReNamer: Rename Files in Bulk
- ImportLocal: Use Locally Installed Version
- Patch: Fix Broken Node Modules Instantly
CLI Cheat Sheet
CLI Tools
CLI Compiler
CLI Packager
- React Terminal
- React Console Emulator
- Hyper: Electron Terminal
- Xterm.js: Xterm Terminal
- Jay: Supercharged JavaScript REPL
- Fig: Terminal Autocomplete
- Eruda: Console for Mobile Browsers
Network Protocols
- Socket.IO
- WebSockets
- uWebSockets: Simple, Secure and Standards Compliant Sockets
- SocketCluster: Highly Scalable Realtime Framework
- Soketi: Fast and Resilient WebSockets Server
Lazy Loading
Network Benchmark
Network Debugging
- TypeChain: Ethereum Smart Contracts Bindings
- Web3.js: Ethereum API
- Ethers.js: Complete Ethereum Library and Wallet
- Foundry: Blazing fast, Portable and Modular Ethereum Application Development Toolkit
- Truffle: Smart Contracts Development Toolkit
- HardHat: Ethereum Software Development Environment
- Waffle: Writing and Testing Smart Contracts
- Remix: Browser-based Ethereum Smart Contracts Development IDE
- Web3UI: Lightweight Reusable Web3 UI Components
- Moralis: Moralis React Hooks and Components
- ThirdWeb: Ultimate Web3 React Hooks Collection
- MetaMask: Ethereum Blockchain Apps Browser Extension
Back-end Server
- Body Parser
- Cross Origin Resource Sharing
- Cross Site Request Forgery Protection
- Cookie Parser
- Cookie Session
- PassportJS: Simple, Unobtrusive Authentication
- Compression
- File Upload
- Morgan: Express Official Logger
- Pino: Super Fast, All Natural JSON Logger
- HTTP Proxy
- Helmet: Secure Express Apps with Various HTTP Headers
- Express Rate Limiter
- Node Rate Limier
- Graceful Shutdown
API Development
- tRPC: End-to-end Type-safe APIs Server
- HopScotch: Open Source API Development Ecosystem
- Swagger Codegen: Template-driven Engine to Generate Documentation, API Clients and Server Stubs
- Swagger UI: Generate Beautiful Documentation from Swagger-compliant API
- DevDocs
- SuperTokens: Open Source Alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito
- MD5
- Base64
- NextAuth: Next.js Authentication
Debugging and Testing
Unit Testing
- Vitest: Fast Vite-native Test Framework
- Jest
- Jest UI
- React Testing Library
- Mocha
- Jasmine
- Assert
- Testem
- Malabi: Tracing Based JavaScript Assertions
- FastCheck: Property Based Testing
- Stryker: Mutation Testing
Visual Testing
End to End Testing
- Cypress
- PlayWright: Automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with Single API
- NightWatch: End to End Testing Framework
- WebDriver: Next Generation Browser and Mobile Automation Test Framework
- WebHint
- TestCafe: Automate End-to-End Web Testing
Headless Automation Tools
- Puppeteer: Headless Chrome Tools
- PuppeteerExtra: Modular Plugin Framework for Puppeteer
- RRWeb: Record and Replay Web
- Webkit API
- Selenium
- Appium
- Cheerio: jQuery Server Tools
- Crawlee: Web Scraping and Browser Automation Library
- CRI: Chrome Remote Interface for Chrome DevTools Protocol
Code Analysis Tools
- SourceGraph: Universal Code Search
- SonarSource: Static Source Code Analyzer
- Babel
- Acorn
- AST Explorer
- CodeCrumbs
- PMD: Extensible Multi-language Static Code Analyzer
- Java SpotBugs
- Code2Flow: Call Graphs Generation for Dynamic Languages
Code Coverage Tools
Code Quality Tools
- Front End CheckList
- HTML Head Checklist
- CSS Stats Tools
- CSS Stats CLI
- ESLint Node Security
- TextLint
- JSCPD: Copy Paste Detector
- Size Limit: Calculate Real Cost to Keep Good Performance
- Java CheckStyle
Inspect Tools
- Reactotron
- React Tracking
- React Render Tracker
- ReactTracked: State Usage Tracking with Proxies
- React Component Hierarchy
- Retoggle: Component Inspector
- OpenReplay: Session Replay Tool
Monitoring Tools
- Plausible Analytics
- NetData
- Source Buster
- Uptime Status
- Sentry: Application Monitoring Focus on Error Reporting
- OpenTelemetry: Traces and Metrics Framework
- Grafana: Open and Composable Observability and Data Visualization Platform
Performance Tools
- LightHouse
- WebPageTest
- WebVitals: Google Essential Metrics for Healthy Site
- MemLab: Memory Leaks and Heap Snapshots Analysis Framework
- PerfumeJS: Measuring Performance Vitals Metrics
- Node Clinic
- Perf Tools
- 0x: Single-command FlameGraph Profiling
- HyperFine: CLI Benchmark Tool
- ByteHound: Memory Profiler
- React Re-Rendering Alert
- React Benchmark Component
- V8 Compile Cache
- Brotli Compression Format
Log Tools
- Winston Logger
- Pino: Super Fast, All Natural JSON Logger
- Log4.js
- GoAccess: Real-time Web Log Analyzer and Interactive Viewer
- Morgan: Express HTTP Logger
- Stacktrace.js: Generate, Parse and Enhance JavaScript Stack Traces in Web Browsers
Mock Tools
Mock Servers
- SuperTest: Super-agent Driven HTTP Servers Integration Testing
- JSON Server
- JSON GraphQL Server
- Prism: Mocking and Contract Testing with OpenAPI
Mock Utils
- Nock: HTTP Server Mocking and Expectations Library
- MSW: Seamless REST/GraphQL API Mocking Service Worker
- Faker.js: Generate Massive Amounts of Realistic Fake Data
- Axios Mock Adapter
- Mockery Function
- MemFS: In-memory Node File System
- MockRTC: Powerful Friendly WebRTC Mock Proxy
Mock APIs
Security Tools
- MetaSploit: Penetration Testing Framework
- SqlMap
- Zaproxy
- Arachni
- Naughty Input Strings
- FatRat
- Spoof
- Snyk: NPM Package Security
- Socket: NPM Package Security
- NCU: NPM Dependencies Updater
- AllStar: Set and Enforce Security Policies
UML Tools
- Mermaid: Generation of Diagram and Flowchart from Text or Markdown
- FlowChart: Draws Simple SVG Flow Chart Diagrams from Textual Representation of Diagram
- PlantUML: Generate UML Diagram from Textual Description
DevOps Tools
DevOps Platform
- Lens: Kubernetes Platform
- KubeSphere
- Cat: MeiTuan Application Performance Monitoring System
- SkyWalking: Apache Application Performance Monitoring System
DevOps Project and MonoRepo Tools
- NX
- TurboRepo: High-performance Build System
- RushStack
- Projen: New Generation of Project Generators
- Bit
- Lerna
DevOps Version Tools
- ChangeSets: Manage Monorepo Versioning and Changelogs
- Commitizen: Conventional Commits CLI Tool
- Semantic Release: Fully Automated Version Management and Package Publishing
- Google Release Bot
- BeachBall: Sunniest Semantic Version Bumper
- Release It: Automate Versioning and Package Publishing
- Standard Version: Automate Versioning and Changelog Generation
- Commit Lint
DevOps Automation CI and CD Tools
- Probot: Framework for Building GitHub Apps to Automate Workflow
- Actions Toolkit: Building GitHub Actions
- Chokidar: Minimal Cross-platform File Watching Library
- ACT: Local GitHub Action Runner
- TerraForm
GitHub Actions
Basic Actions
Project Actions
- Lock Threads
- Stale Bot
- Issues Helper
- Pull Request Creator
- Semantic Pull Request
- Approve Review
- Approve Workflow
Testing Actions
Analysis Actions
- ReviewDog ESLint
- ReviewDog StyleLint
- ReviewDog MarkdownLint
- CodeQL Analysis
- SonarSource Cloud Analysis
- Compressed Bundle Size
- Limit Bundle Size
- License Compliance
- Review Dependency
Building Actions
Deployment Actions
DevOps Config Tools
- DotEnv
- CosmiConfig: Find and Load Configuration
- EnvInfo: Generate Report about Development Environment for Debugging and Issue Reporting
- Unleash: Open Source Feature Toggle Service
DevOps Registry and Mirrors
Markdown Documentation
- Docusaurus: Easy to Maintain Documentation Websites with React Stack
- Nextra: Next.js Documentation Static Site Generator
- VuePress: Minimalistic Vue-powered Static Site Generator
- Wiki.js: Modern and Powerful Wiki App
JavaScript Documentation
- JSDoc: JavaScript Documentation Generator
- TypeDoc: TypeScript Documentation Generator
- Documentation.js: Modern JavaScript Documentation
React Documentation
- React Storybook: Live Component Documentation
- Docz: React Component Documentation Tool Built on Gatsby
- StyleGuidist: Isolated React Component Development Environment with Living Style Guide
- DUmi: Documentation Generator of React Component
- Ladle: Faster Storybook
- ReactDocGen: Extract React Component Information for Documentation Generation Purposes